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Gravity is a natural physiological system designed to decompress and maintain the body’s alignment unlocking its own potential for repair and performance.

Gravity uses the body’s own weight to trigger, compress and relax tight muscles in the neck, spine and pelvis, releasing tension from the head to toes.

This tension relief reduces pain and associated tightness, allowing the entire body to reposition itself in the way its supposed to be.

The stresses and strains created in the body each day accumulated and create tension which if left unchecked can build up creating pain.

Healing, immunity, digestion and repair work most effectively when the body is in a deeply relaxed state.

Regular use of GRAVITY for just 20 minutes a day can unlock the body’s potential to deeply relax, repair and restore the body’s optimal alignment.

The use of GRAVITY alongside Bowen is fantastic to maintain correct alignment and body posture. It is recommended to trial GRAVITY every day for one week to start with and if you have found benefits, even the subtle ones, then it is worth buying your own GRAVITY to have at home!

You can hire the GRAVITY for £5 for the week from myself at the clinic or you can purchase your own by either ordering one through myself to have delivered to the clinic or online at and using my personal discount code bowen106 to receive £30 off your GRAVITY making it just £99 (usually £129)

GRAVITY for Sport

  • Preparation - calm and focus your mind and prepare your body for play.

  • Recovery - create the optimum environment for repair and healing.

  • Relaxation - aid relaxation and enhances sleep quality.

  • Treatment - pain and injury.

  • Stress relief.

  • Diaphragm activation.

  • Boosts immunity.

  • Vision - enhance peripheral vision.

  • Balance - improve sensory information to the brain.

  • Posture - reduce sway and improve alignment.

  • Improve rotational control and efficiency of turning.

  • Reduce the risk of overtraining with enhanced recovery strategy.

GRAVITY for Health

  • Prevention - keep the body in balance.

  • Recovery - create the optimum environment for repair and healing.

  • Aids digestion.

  • Aids Relaxation.

  • Enhance sleep quality.

  • Reduces muscle tension.

  • Treatment of pain and injury.

  • Reduces headaches and migraines.

  • Boosts energy - Chronic Fatigue, M.E and Post Viral Symptoms.

  • Stress relief.

  • Boosts immunity.

  • Improves breathing patterns.

  • Balance - improves sensory information to the brain.

  • Posture - improves alignment.

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